Massachusetts: New Scott Brown Ad Focuses on Bipartisan Credentials
Massachusetts Republican Sen. Scott Brown launched a new positive TV spot today that emphasizes his folksy, bipartisan credentials. In the 30-second ad, filmed at a diner, he says he’ll “work with anyone to get things done.”
“I was the tie-breaking vote on Wall Street reform, led the way on a jobs bill for veterans and helped pass a strong new ethics law for Congress,” Brown says.
“You know what makes me really proud?” he says to camera from a booth in the diner, “Being called one of the most bipartisan Senators in the country.”
The ad is airing in the Boston, Springfield, Mass., Providence, R.I., and Albany, N.Y., media markets on broadcast stations and on cable across the Democratic-leaning state. It is backed by a $220,000 buy through June 3, according to a Democratic source.
Brown faces a tight race with presumptive Democratic nominee Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Professor. Roll Call rates the race a Tossup.