Nevada: Dean Heller Launches First TV Ad
There has been a flurry of activity on the Nevada airwaves in recent weeks, with the presidential campaigns, outside groups and now both Senate campaigns on the airwaves.
Sen. Dean Heller (R) launched the first TV ad of his bid for a full Senate term on Sunday. It’s a positive spot that urges the Senate to pass a budget, and Heller closes the ad by saying: “It’s time Washington delivered on something.” The campaign has so far placed about $160,000 to air the ad statewide on broadcast and cable for the next 10 days, with further placement possible.
Rep. Shelley Berkley’s (D) Senate campaign, which has already aired several ads, launched a statewide TV ad Friday to respond to a recent spot from GOP-aligned American Crossroads, which attempted to paint her as ethically challenged. The campaign did not disclose the size of the buy, but a source with knowledge of the buy said the Berkley campaign had been on statewide TV for the last week at a similar level as Heller’s new buy.