GOP Typo Fix Has Typo, Too
A resolution to fix a major typo in the GOP’s regulatory moratorium bill has a typo of its own, which prompted Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) to make a tearful plea to Democrats to consent on the House floor to fix the second error.
But Foxx rescinded her unanimous consent request after Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), reserving his right to object, drew out the debate to mock Republicans for repeated errors in the bill.
The discussion then descended into confusion, with Foxx and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) arguing over which bill the typo fix would amend.
The text of the typo fix refers to H.Res. 783 instead of H.Res. 738, the rule for debate over the regulatory moratorium bill.
After Foxx rescinded her request to fix the error, Polis indicated that Democrats would have consented to it. The House eventually passed the Foxx amendment to fix the typo by voice vote, but not before much confusion.
Clarification 11:38 a.m.
An earlier version of this story misabbreviated House Resolutions 783 and 738.