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California Poll: Brian Bilbray, Scott Peters Tied in 52nd District

Rep. Brian Bilbray tied with his Democratic opponent for California's 52nd district in a recent poll. (Scott J. Ferrell/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
Rep. Brian Bilbray tied with his Democratic opponent for California's 52nd district in a recent poll. (Scott J. Ferrell/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A poll conducted for San Diego Port Commissioner Scott Peters found the Democrat tied with Rep. Brian Bilbray (R) in the 52nd district.

Peters and Bilbray both took 40 percent, including those only leaning toward either candidate, with 19 percent undecided. This is a top pickup opportunity for Democrats, who need to capitalize in California for a chance at the House majority.

Both parties’ House campaign committees have reserved about $1.6 million in fall TV time in San Diego.

Bilbray is facing a well-funded challenger in Peters, who had raised $740,000 by the end of June to go along with the $1.25 million he loaned his campaign for the primary. Still, thanks to a competitive primary, Peters had just $89,000 left as of June 30 compared with Bilbray’s $834,000.

While a portion of the San Diego-based district is new to Bilbray, he remains better known than his challenger and still has a positive favorable rating, 41 percent to 30 percent unfavorable. His job approval rating was less positive: 40 percent approved of Bilbray’s job performance to 44 percent who rated it negatively.

The polling memo from Grove Insight stated, “Peters has room to further introduce himself and grow his vote.” The poll of 400 likely voters was taken July 16-18 and had 4.4-point margin of error.

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