New York: Conflicting Polls Released in 19th District
It’s the battle of the polls in upstate New York.
This morning, a Republican poll showed freshman Rep. Chris Gibson (R) leading his Democratic challenger, Julian Schreibman, by 17 points. This afternoon, Schreibman’s campaign released a poll showing the Republican up by 10 points.
The Democratic poll found Gibson leading Schreibman, 42 percent to 32 percent. (The Republican poll found Gibson leading Schreibman, 53 percent to 36 percent.)
The second poll, conducted by respected pollster Jefrey Pollock of the Democratic firm Global Strategy Group, found Schreibman to be largely unknown, with significant room to grow his name ID. It also found that Gibson was only familiar to 46 percent of voters in the district.
The majority of the newly configured 19th district is new territory for Gibson.
The survey found President Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney in the district, 46 percent to 39 percent.
Roll Call rates the 19th district as a Tossup.
The poll surveyed 402 likely voters in the district by live telephone interviews to land lines and cellphones from July 18-22. The margin of error was 4.9 points.