Take Five with Rep. Jean Schmidt

If it’s Tuesday, it’s time for Take Five, when HOH gets to know a Member of Congress through five fun questions. This week we catch up with Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), who is gearing up for life after Congress after falling short of her primary in March.
Q: Why do you like running so much?
A: It clears my mind. Also, I’ve competed in 96 marathons, and running 26.2 miles in under four hours might seem impossible — no matter how hard you’ve trained. But when you see the finish line, you realize there’s nothing you can’t do.
Q: What’s your next move now that you’re leaving Washington — heading back into small business, re-entering hometown or state politics, etc.?
A: That’s the big question. When I know, I will let you know.
Q: What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
A: UDF Homemade Brand Chocolate Chip. It’s made by United Dairy Farmers, a Cincinnati company. I ran six miles today — in the pouring rain — and I just finished eating a bowl as a reward.
Q: Where’s the one place you’d tell someone who just moved to D.C. to go experience?
A: Go to the Mall at night and look at the beautiful monuments.
Q: What’s your favorite part about being a grandmother?
A: Receiving a hug and a kiss from my two adorable grandsons, 4-year-old Michael and 2-year-old Anthony.