Wisconsin: Paul Ryan to Fundraise for Tommy Thompson
The event, billed as a “reception” by the campaign in a blast statement earlier today, is a closed-door fundraiser hosted by Romney Victory, a joint fundraising committee made up of Romney for President, the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee and a handful of state party organizations.
Tickets to the fundraiser, according to an invitation obtained by Roll Call, range anywhere from $250 per person to $100,000 per couple.
“I am proud to have Congressman Ryan help rally the people of our great state on my behalf,” Thompson said in a statement distributed to reporters on his media listserv. “From the moment Paul was elected to Congress, I knew he would shake up the status quo in Washington to get things done the ‘Wisconsin Way’. … I know the people of Wisconsin will welcome Paul home as warmly as I do because they share our vision of responsible reforms, lower taxes and reducing government spending — a vision that will build a stronger and more prosperous America.”
Entry to the event costs $250 for young professionals, $1,000 for the general reception, $5,000 for a photo opportunity, $15,000 per couple for a private dinner, $50,000 per couple for “Founding Member” status and $100,000 for “Founding Partner” status, according to the invitation. Honorary co-chairs include RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and four Wisconsin Republican Congressmen.
Thompson faced a pricey and bruising four-way primary in August — he lent his campaign $600,000 in the closing days of the primary — and has been trying to make up the fundraising gap to defeat Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who has taken the lead in recent polls.