Pennsylvania: GOP Survey Sees Tight Race in 12th

The race for Pennsylvania’s 12th district continues to be one of the most competitive in the country, according to new polling data from a GOP super PAC.
The new survey shows attorney Keith Rothfus (R) leading Rep. Mark Critz (D) by a mere couple of points, 42 percent to 40 percent. Sixteen percent reported they were undecided about the race in the poll from YG Action Fund. The margin of error was 4.9 points.
Partisan polls from both sides have shown a tight race here for months. It’s part of the reason the 12th district has earned a reputation for being one of the most competitive House races on the map this cycle. Roll Call rates this race as a Tossup.
There’s little doubt that Mitt Romney will win the presidential contest in the southwestern Pennsylvania district. The poll showed Romney leading President Barack Obama 54 percent to 41 percent in the 12th district.
Public Opinion Strategies conducted the poll, which was paid for by YG Action Fund, a super PAC run by former House Republican aides. The poll interviewed 400 likely voters from Sept. 30 through Oct. 1.