Voice Mail Greeting Doubles as Biden Time Machine
Vice President Joseph Biden’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination lives on.
Just call Sam Spencer, a former Biden campaign staffer, who has had the vice president’s voice on his cellphone voice mail for almost six years.
“I’m Sen. Joe Biden, and I’m running for President of the United States, and I’m making the greeting for Sam,” the former Delaware Senator says before the beep.
The greeting was the product of a “dead of night” feast at a highway-side Huddle House after a March 2007 campaign speech in Bishopville, S.C., when Biden was still in the running for the 2008 Democratic nomination.
“It was a pretty boring night, so we just recorded it,” said Spencer, who was then president of the Young Democrats of North Carolina and now mans the state party’s Charlotte campaign office.
The message was meant to serve as a one-of-a-kind souvenir, but HOH wondered if something more than sentimentality — like a Biden rerun — is behind Spencer’s time warp. After all, Biden did joke about giving the White House yet another shot in a phone call with a GOP voter in Florida on Wednesday. “After it’s all over, when your insurance rates go down, then you’ll vote for me in 2016,” he said, according to a tweet from NBC News correspondent Carrie Dann.
But Spencer quashed our hopes, leading us to the only other possible conclusion: Biden is gunning for Carl Kasell’s NPR-driven voice mail greeting job.