McCaskill Urges Action on Debt — Her Own
There was something a little different, more personal perhaps, about the latest hyperventilating email subject line.
At HOH, we are accustomed to receiving messages from political actors of all stripes. And as the country lurches slowly toward the fiscal cliff, the old HOH inbox has gotten a workout. But the latest from “Claire McCaskill” on Monday morning piqued our interest with its “This can’t wait until tomorrow” subject line.
What could it be that couldn’t wait? A deal on marginal tax rates? A grand bargain that cuts entitlements and raises taxes on the wealthy? A settlement on raising the debt ceiling so the financial markets don’t freak out? Which one of these important things can’t wait until “tomorrow”?
Actually, as it turns out, “this” refers not to the nation’s debt but the Missouri Democrat’s campaign debt, racked up as she won a second term last month by beating GOP Rep. Todd Akin.
“Friend, Before you head out tonight for your New Year’s Eve festivities, can you take this last opportunity in 2012 to show your support? … Can you help us pay back our campaign’s investment in victory before tonight’s crucial midnight deadline? Click here to contribute $5 toward our $25,000 grassroots fundraising goal before midnight and the end of 2012,” the missive reads. “As the clock ticks closer to 2013, so too does the Federal Election Commission’s financial deadline,” it continues.
Paying down the debt. It’s not just a national problem.