Franken to Brunch With Team Coco
This is possibly the most fun campaign donation solicitation ever.
Donate a few bucks to Democratic Sen. Al Franken’s campaign and you’re eligible to fly out to Los Angeles with a friend in early April to brunch with the Minnesota senator and late night host Conan O’Brien.
“Imagine how jealous your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend/boss/parents/neighbors/cousins will be,” Franken writes to his email supporters. “Imagine how ridiculous your friends will look when they compete to be your plus-one.”
Both O’Brien and Franken are Harvard and “Saturday Night Live” writing room alumni.
This solicitation is a departure in style for Franken. Since his first race in 2008, he has not pushed his “SNL” past. In fact, the show is not even mentioned in his official Senate biography, only that he was once “a comedy writer.”
The deadline is March 31, the Federal Election Commission’s first quarter deadline. Campaign donation pleas become increasingly more common as a quarter winds down.
In this one, the Franken campaign lets the donor decide the contribution amount — doggone it, Stuart Smalley would be proud.