Five Steps Toward the Best Caption | Capitol Quip
The five finalists for this week’s caption contest are all set. Now it’s your turn to vote.
Using the comments section below, vote for your favorite caption until 5 p.m. EDT Thursday.
Here are this week’s finalists:
— “Let’s check in and head to lunch!”
— “(Sigh) I miss kindergarten.”
— “Woo Hoo! Recess in 21 days! Er, I mean ‘District Work Period’ in 21 days.”
— “If we time our furloughs right, we can cut that down even further. Oh, that’s right, only our STAFFS can be furloughed …”
— “Let’s see what sort of messes we can create this time.”
The cartoon with the winning caption will appear on this blog on May 13 and in that day’s print edition of Roll Call. The contest winner will receive a signed color print of his or her Capitol Quip cartoon from the cartoonist, R.J. Matson.