House, Senate Go Head-to-Head for Dress for Success Donations
The House and Senate face off on Thursday to see who can provide the most donations for the fourth annual Capitol Hill Dress for Success competition.
Congress is partnering with Dress for Success and FedEx to collect women’s business attire for those women not fortunate enough to have the clothes needed for a professional interview.
Two drop-off locations will accept donations from 7-11 a.m.: Johnny’s Half Shell Take Out at North Capitol Street and Louisiana Avenue for Senate side, and the Capitol Hill Club across from the Capitol South Metro for House side. For more location details, they’ve set up an Eventbrite page.
After the donation period has ended, the chamber with more donations will be declared the winner.
The House has won two of the three previous competitions.
Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., and Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., are the honorary co-chairwomen of the event. In a statement, Ellmers expressed high regard for Dress for Success and encouraged donations.
“As soon as I learned about the work they are doing, I was eager to lend a hand and help encourage my colleagues to participate,” she said. “I’m excited to see the turnout on Thursday and would encourage anyone out there with the ability to donate professional attire to do so and spread the word about this important cause.”