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Palazzo’s Constituents Tired of Playing Hide-and-Seek

When last we heard from Mississippian Bo Alawine, he was having a helluva time trying to pin down when, where and even if Rep. Steven M. Palazzo, was in town.

A year later, not much has changed.

Alawine, who’s made it abundantly clear that he’s no fan of the GOP lawmaker, told HOH he’s repeatedly called Palazzo’s offices, submitted emails via the Mississippi Republican’s official government homepage and reached out via social media. Yet Team Palazzo continues to guard the boss’s public appearance schedule like some sort of state secret.

“To my knowledge, he didn’t really make himself available,” Alawine told HOH after once again failing to track down Palazzo during the August recess. A Palazzo spokeswoman told HOH in an email that the office had “responded to that request and several others. Believe he also spoke with the boss at a town hall meeting.” Hmm.

Alawine’s not the only one who’d like to engage the congressman.

Jeffrey Wimmer chewed out Palazzo online for failing to show his face in real life.

“Many constituents are extremely upset at the lack of town hall meetings which is every Representatives DUTY in the month of August,” Wimmer griped on Facebook. “We on the coast are VERY disappointed and feel you’re ducking many issues.”

Palazzo aides did not respond to multiple calls and email requests regarding their boss’s whereabouts during the past month.

But his social-media postings suggest he kept pretty busy:

Posing for pictures at VFW Post 3036 in Hattiesburg, Miss., on Aug. 6.

Gathering bureaucrats for a presser on flood insurance issues on Aug. 21.


The Alabama-Mississippi chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society evidently honored him at an annual fundraiser that same evening.

Brown-bagging it with technology advocates at John C. Stennis Space Center on Aug. 23.

And, showing visiting military brass around on Aug. 29.

Alawine insists he’s not giving up. He fired off another request for a scheduling debrief to Palazzo staff on Tuesday:


And he plans to keep engaging Palazzo online every chance he gets.

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