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Steve King: Immigrants Have Killed More People Than 9/11 Terrorists

(Chris Maddaloni/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
(Chris Maddaloni/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

In the latest did-you-hear-what-Steve-King-said-about-immigration news, the Iowa Republican has a rough estimate of how many Americans have been killed by illegal immigrants.

As reported first by the Des Moines Register, King told a crowd in Omaha, Neb., on Sept. 13 that thousands of Americans, “multiples of the victims of Sept. 11,” have been killed by illegal immigrants.

“Now that hits home, doesn’t it?” King asked the crowd. “Three thousand times something.”

King continued: “Three thousand times something, three thousand times X, is the magnitude of individual tragedies here in America.”

King said the estimate came from former immigration agent Mike Cutler during a congressional hearing, when King asked Cutler, “What’s the price Americans are paying for an open-door policy?”

Cutler said he didn’t know but offered that it was multiples of the victims of Sept. 11, according to King.

King reportedly made the comments at an event to honor a woman believed to have been killed by an illegal immigrant.

But King’s comments are nothing new.

In 2006, King apparently calculated that 12 Americans die every day because of illegal immigrants. He also reported at that time that eight American children are victims of sexual abuse every day at the hands of illegal immigrants.

The comments are just the latest in a string of inflammatory remarks about immigrants.

In July, King told a conservative news site that not all children brought to the United States illegally are valedictorians and that “for every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds — and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

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