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Super PAC Ad Ties McConnell Opponent to Harry Reid | #KYSEN

A Kentucky super PAC is hitting the radio Friday to tie Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s likely general election opponent to the leading Democrat in the Senate.

The 60-second ad is backed by a $75,000 buy and is running statewide, according to a spokesman at Kentuckians for Strong Leadership. It touts McConnell’s opposition to Obamacare before making the connection between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.

“That’s why Harry Reid personally recruited liberal Alison Grimes to run against McConnell, and now Grimes is raising money with Harry Reid in Las Vegas,” the ad’s announcer says. “The choice is clear: Grimes and Reid, pushing Obamacare on us, while members of Congress get a bailout; or Mitch McConnell, a fighter for Kentucky.”

Listen to “Anarchists” here:

National Republicans have also sought to tie Grimes to Reid on the issue of coal, especially with the Environmental Protection Agency proposing on Friday new emission limits to power plants. McConnell took the argument against the new regulations to the Senate floor on Thursday. Grimes responded to the proposal Friday, saying she was “deeply disappointed” and saw it as the Obama administration taking “direct aim at Kentucky jobs.”

McConnell’s seat is one of Democrats’ top two targets. He’s being challenged in the GOP primary by Louisville businessman Matt Bevin. The general election race is currently rated Republican Favored by Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call.

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