Ethics Dismisses Vitter Complaint Against Reid, Boxer
The Senate Ethics Committee has dismissed a complaint made against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Ethics Chairwoman Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., by Republican David Vitter of Louisiana.
“The committee has previously concluded that mere allegations, with no evidence or information to support their substantive merit, are insufficient to extend the Committee’s investigative process,” wrote Ethics Chief Counsel and Staff Director John Sassaman.
Sassaman announced the finding in a letter to Vitter, in which he noted that Vitter didn’t provide evidence that Boxer and Reid had anything to do with the alleged misconduct.
Vitter had alleged that Boxer and Reid engaged in improper conduct by floating amendment language about the ability of members of Congress to access federal benefits in the health care exchanges if they engaged in prostitution.
That appeared to be a behind-the-scenes swipe at Vitter — who was linked to the D.C. Madam investigation. The move was in retaliation for the Louisiana Republican’s attempt to get a vote on an amendment to an energy efficiency bill about employer contributions for health care for members and staff.