Super PAC Ties GOP Challenger to Koch Brothers

House Majority PAC, a super PAC that aims to elect House Democrats, has a new ad tying a GOP challenger in West Virginia to conservative businessmen David and Charles Koch.
The ad hits state Sen. Evan Jenkins, who is running against Rep. Nick J. Rahall II, D-W.V., in one of this cycle’s most competitive House races.
But Jenkins only makes a cameo in the super PAC’s ad. Images of the brothers — who spend heavily in politics — are featured in the spot for 26 seconds in the 30-second spot.
“The Koch brothers wouldn’t be billionaires, if they didn’t get what they paid for,” a narrator said of Jenkins. “In Washington, Evan Jenkins won’t work for us.” An HMP news release stated the group had $70,000 in the Charleston-Huntington and Bluefield-Beckley markets behind the spot. This is an inexpensive media market, but the ad wars between the two camps and their outside group allies is growing increasingly bitter and pricey.
The race is rated Tossup by Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call.