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Landrieu, Vitter Playing Key Roles in Keystone XL Pipeline Standoff

Many eyes will be on Energy and Natural Resources Chairwoman Mary L. Landrieu as the Senate gears up for another debate over the fate of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, Roll Call reports.  

She’s taking on President Barack Obama and most of her Democratic Party as she faces a tight re-election race back home in Louisiana, hoping for a win on the pipeline and an energy efficiency bill to boot.  

“If everyone cooperates we just might be able to get an efficiency bill that both parties have worked on, very hard, and it’s very important, will create a lot of jobs in our country, on an important part of our energy mix, and we may also be able to get a vote on Keystone,” Landrieu said Wednesday.  

But her Republican Senate counterpart from Louisiana may throw a wrench into the process, with David Vitter again floating a contentious amendment eliminating health benefits for lawmakers and congressional staff.

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