Harry Reid Would Rather Watch Tennis Than the NFL

Maybe Dan Synder isn’t worried about Harry Reid because professional football is not the Nevada Democrat’s favorite sport.
In fact, Reid says he would rather watch tennis than the NFL.
Reid has been among the most vocal in calling for the Washington Redskins to change the name of the franchise, saying that he would not attend another game until the team changes its name.
But, the Senate majority leader told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he prefers to watch a variety of sports other than National Football League games.
“I’d rather go to a baseball game. I’d rather watch a tennis match,” Reid said. “I’d rather watch soccer. I’m glad people enjoy football, but I don’t enjoy it that much. I do like college football.”
The Nevada Democrat’s support of the Washington Nationals is well documented, particularly since the arrival of outfielder Bryce Harper , a Las Vegas native. The Nationals’ rookie manager, Matt Williams, hails from the state capital of Carson City.
In the interview with the Review-Journal, Reid said he has cheered for the “Washington football team” and attended a game many years ago, during which, he recalled, a drunk fan spilled beer on him, accidentally.
“If they did it today, I’d think they’d be doing it on purpose,” Reid said.