DCCC Raises Millions More than NRCC in July
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raked in $11.5 million in July, bringing the committee’s total cash on hand to $56.7 million in the final stretch of the cycle, according to numbers released by the committee Monday.
The DCCC’s haul far surpasses the $8 million the National Republican Congressional Committee brought in during the same month. The NRCC’s July fundraising means the committee will report $48 million in the bank.
The DCCC’s $8.7 million cash advantage on their Republican counterpart will be necessary for the party . House Democrats are looking to stave off losses in what will probably be a tough year for their party on the ballot.
Much of the DCCC’s fundraising success comes from their robust online fundraising operation , which amounted to $7 million of the committee’s monthly haul, according to the committee.
Small-dollar donations — $200 or less — flowed into the committee’s coffers in July, when the DCCC played up Speaker John A. Boehner’s lawsuit against President Barack Obama, and the possibility that House Republicans would move on impeaching Obama.
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