Natural Gas Industry Fights Back Against Anti-Fracking Ad Campaign reports that “the natural gas industry is striking back at recent TV ads by environmental groups attacking a handful of North Carolina legislators for their support of fracking. The radio spots began airing this week promoting the benefits of hydraulic fracturing and thanking seven lawmakers – six of whom face challengers in the November election.”
“Most of the lawmakers were part of what was dubbed ‘The Fracking Crew’ in ads that accused them of protecting polluters not people. The campaign – which reportedly cost more than $600,000 — was mostly paid for by a national environmental advocacy group with help from several North Carolina groups.”
“In response, the American Petroleum Institute has launched five radio spots touting fracking’s safety record and economic benefits that will help pay for education, public safety and other services. ‘Thousands of new high-paying jobs are on the way,’ the spot says.”