Satellites Will Help Mexico Communicate Anywhere, Anytime

In an era of smart phones, iPads and other gadgets that keep people connected 24/7, there are remote villages in Mexico that still lack even the simple ability to make a phone call.
According to the CIA World Factbook, there are fewer than 20 telephone lines per 100 people in Mexico. Much of the terrain is just not suitable for extensive cable networks. Though cell phones are more widely used, the same issue of terrain makes it difficult to support cell phone towers in more remote areas.
But by 2016 – the government of Mexico will have a fully operational mobile satellite communications system, offering 3G coverage over multiple platforms, reaching all parts of the country – no matter how remote. The program is called Mexsat, and Boeing is building and integrating the components of this system that will bring new capabilities to the government of Mexico.
Mexsat will provide mobile voice and data services for Mexico’s government agencies and aid in efforts like disaster relief and security.
Boeing built two of the 702HP (high power) geomobile satellites, subcontracted a third fixed satellite and is providing two ground network and satellite control stations located in Mexico along with other parts of the Mexsat system. The fixed satellite is already on orbit and the two completed 702HP satellites are in storage awaiting launch.
The government of Mexico needed a way to communicate with all parts of the country and found the answer with Boeing and Mexsat.