HOH Name Game: The Tongue-Twister Caucus
HOH’s Name Game returns with an edition dedicated to helping you navigate the noms de Congress. Today’s subject is the Tongue-Twister Caucus, those members whose multi-syllabic names intimidate even the most erudite observer of the Legislative Branch.
And many thanks to our friends at the CQ Members desk, who supplied valuable intel on proper pronunciation.
Rep. Mark DeSaulnier , D-Calif. — de-SAWN-yay. Not to be confused with the guy who comes next in the list.
Rep. Scott DeJarlais , R-Tenn. — DAY-zhur-lay. That’s DOCTOR DAY-zhur-lay to you.
Rep. Randy Neugebauer , R-Texas — NAW-geh-bow-er. Sort of like naugahyde, but not really.
Del. Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen , R-A.S. — ow-MU-ah ah-MAH-tah COLE-man RAD-uh-wag-en. The number of people who speak Samoan worldwide is around 370,000.
Del. Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan , D-N. Marianas — greg-OREO key-LEE-lee kaMAH-cho sab-LAHN. Get to know him and maybe he’ll buy you an apigigi at We, The Pizza.
Related: HOH Name Game: Don’t Mispronounce These The 114th: CQ Roll Call’s Guide to the New Congress Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.