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A Very Vice Presidential Capitol Quip

(R.J. Matson/CQ Roll Call)
(R.J. Matson/CQ Roll Call)

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was in the second year of his first term in the Senate when President Gerald Ford delivered his famous “Whip Inflation Now” speech before Congress on Oct. 8, 1974, and rallied the country to fight a new “public enemy No. 1.”  

As the White House rallies the global community to respond to violent extremism with “answers that go beyond a military answer,” we thought it might be time to re-purpose those old WIN buttons — which brings us to this week’s Capitol Quip.  

Send us a caption by leaving it in the comments section. Editors will pick finalists Wednesday, and everyone can vote for the winner through Thursday.  

To see our previous winners, check us out on Pinterest .  


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