Vote for Your Favorite Capitol Quip Before It Runs Out of Gas!
Using the comments section below, vote for your favorite caption until 5 p.m. Eastern Thursday.
Here are this week’s finalists:
What does he mean I’m going to have to `toe the line for a tow?’
See, I told you “Cash for Clunkers” was a good idea!
You wanna be in the driver’s seat? YOU fix it!!!
Hey! 1993 called, they want their roads back!
I didn’t say “Get a donkey,” I said “Get a horse!”
The cartoon with the winning caption will appear on this blog on May 3 and in the following print edition of Roll Call. The contest winner will receive a signed color print of his or her Capitol Quip cartoon from the cartoonist, R.J. Matson.
The 114th: CQ Roll Call’s Guide to the New Congress
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