Friends of the Earth Out to Bury Earl Blumenauer
Environmental activists are throwing Rep. Earl Blumenauer under the zero-emission, biodiesel-fueled bus for openly embracing broader trade-promotion authority.
Friends of the Earth is going after the Oregon Democrat both here and back home in Portlandia for endorsing a polarizing “fast-track” plan the eco-warriors perceive to be a bum deal.
“That’s what you get if you’re going to side with corporate polluters,” Friends of the Earth Climate and Energy Program Director Benjamin Schreiber told HOH of the dozens of antagonistic flyers. Schreiber personally affixed the signs — which read, “MISSING: Climate Champion Earl Blumenauer” — to every available surface surrounding the Capitol South Metro station. Per Schreiber, although Blumenauer has typically been a stand-up guy — “He’s usually one of our favorites,” Schreiber said of the 11-term lawmaker’s earth-friendly record — this latest action simply could not go unpunished.
“This trade vote … could undermine all of the good that those other votes have done,” Schreiber warned of the holistic impact of Blumenauer’s perceived betrayal.
In addition to the dead-tree shaming, FOE has also loosed attack ads on the D.C. and Portland airwaves.