Jesus Lady Ready to Do Some Arm Twisting of Her Own
Capitol Hill fixture Rita Warren has had it with being blown off by Speaker John A. Boehner regarding her plan to help save lawmakers from total ruin.

“Speaker Boehner doesn’t answer me. He doesn’t want to speak to me about Jesus of Nazareth,” the octogenarian activist told HOH about the cold shoulder she’s been getting from the Ohio Republican.
The source of friction appears to be the repeated requests Warren has lodged to bring in actor Robert Powell and have him address both chambers of Congress — a lobbying effort she expects to renew Thursday during her weekly trek to the Hill. “I just have one question: Yes or no?” the frustrated crusader said of her campaign to usher the British thespian onto the House floor for a once-in-a-lifetime performance.
Per Warren, a bipartisan group of 20-odd lawmakers continue hounding the GOP leader to take her calls — “They say, ‘Rita, we want to see this happen,’” she shared — to no avail.
“If he wants to say ‘no,’ that’s fine with me, because I’ve got friends all over,” she asserted.
Warren insists she’s got nothing against Boehner. But she absolutely refuses to be silenced by him, or anybody else.
“I will not be intimidated because he is the speaker,” she stated. “Italy is waiting for an answer.”
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