Lindsey Graham Raises Specter of Brad Pitt Presidency

GOP presidential candidate and foreign policy hawk Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has issued numerous warnings about threats to the free world. On Thursday afternoon, he raised the alert on the latest one: Brad Pitt. Mixing bold face type and all caps, Graham said he would “get right to the point … Under current debate rules supported by the RNC, Brad Pitt would have a better shot of being on the debate stage than real candidates for president ,” the email states. “Voters should control our nominating process for president – NOT the media.”
The message — with the subject line “Brad Pitt” (who taught Graham about clickbait!?)—included a link to a petition urging supporters to sign and ensure “we have a real debate with equal rules for all!”
While the message may have been meant to scare voters about the fact that current debate selection “criterion favors celebrities and candidates who have run previously with high name recognition,” it was also a shot aimed in the direction of Donald Trump, who has placed as high as second in polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Perhaps Graham sees Trump as more of a threat than he previously has let on .
With the first debate for GOP presidential hopefuls coming up on Aug. 6, organizer Fox News has said it will include the top 10 candidates based on an average of national polls. While Graham is no doubt nervous about missing the cut, he likely doesn’t have to actually worry about Pitt, an outspoken liberal and Democratic donor. Then again, Trump has given a lot of money to Democrats, too.
Lindsey Graham Makes Case for War
Graham Welcomes Donald Trump to the Race
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