Familiar Face Joins CQ Roll Call
Ed Pesce retired from his job directing the Senate Periodical Press Gallery in February

Former director of the Senate Periodical Press Gallery, Ed Pesce, has joined CQ Roll Call as a senior legislative analyst.
In his new role, Pesce will write and edit for Senate Action Reports, a product launched this week by CQ to provide information and analysis straight from the Senate floor to help readers decode the actions that determine the fate of legislation, similar to CQ’s House Action Reports.
For 25 years, Pesce worked with the procedures and day-to-day of the Senate and his reputation precedes him on Capitol Hill.
Pesce was honored by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., on in their opening remarks on the floor , when he retired in February.
“Ed has been a fixture around here,” McConnell said. “The job has brought Ed into contact with thousands of Senate staffers and congressional reporters.’’
Reid added, “Ed has been a trailblazer in the news industry and the principal leader here in the Senate.”
Pesce started working on Capitol Hill shortly after he graduated college in 1990, became deputy director of the gallery in 1996 and director in 2000.
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