The Rules of Girl Club Are Simple
Democratic women senators say they wear ‘high heels for dancing our way to victory’

The Democratic women of the Senate have Hillary Clinton in their Girl Club.
In a video released by EMILY’s List on Thursday, female senators speak about the rules of their club and why you should vote for Clinton on Tuesday.
“The first rule of Girl Club: Always talk about Girl Club. Talking is good. It builds consensus and community,” Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin says in the video.
“Every outfit is a power outfit,” retiring Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski says. “Sneakers for running, boots for kicking butt and high heels for dancing our way to victory.”
Why are the Democratic women of the Senate #StrongerTogether? They have #GirlClub.
— EMILY’s List (@emilyslist) November 4, 2016
Debbie Stabenow of Michigan speaks on equal pay, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York discusses how women’s issues affect everyone and Mazie K. Hirono of Hawaii says women know how to multi-task.
“You didn’t get here because you’re a woman, you got here because you’re the best person for the job,” Claire McCaskill of Missouri says.
Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota says to roll up your sleeves and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire says there’s no quitting.
“This arena is about being effective,” says Dianne Feinstein of California.
“Because we have to protect our children, our families and our planet,” says retiring California Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota says women are more than half the population and Patty Murray of Washington says women are stronger together, Clinton’s campaign slogan.
“If we don’t stand up for ourselves, no one else will,” Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell says.
Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who has been known to engage in back-and-forth with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on behalf of Clinton, says to never back down from bullies.
Clinton appears at the end.
“This is the last rule of Girl Club,” the Democratic presidential candidate says. “If you don’t make the first time, don’t give up. Keep fighting. Keep going. You’ll get there.”
McCaskill ends the video with a snap.