Word on the Hill: The Week After
Delaware Democrat turns the big 7-0

Things around the Capitol are settling down after Inauguration Day.
If you have any stories, photographs or anecdotes to share from your experience at the inauguration or the Women’s March on Washington, email them to HOH@cqrollcall.com.
And don’t miss Roll Call’s coverage of events from the weekend.
It’s GOP retreat week
On Wednesday, Republican members of the House and Senate head to Philadelphia for a joint retreat.
Staffer shuffle
Shannon Campagna is joining the law firm Alston & Bird as a senior policy adviser on its legislative and public policy team. She is the former director of federal government affairs at Mars Inc.
Health Care Decoded
As a new administration takes over, the nation’s evolving health care system — valued today at more than $3 trillion — will face significant changes again.
On March 16, Roll Call Live, in partnership with the editorial powerhouse of CQ News, invites you to a packed morning of expert analysis and nonpartisan discussion to examine the many questions that health care industry stakeholders and policymakers will face. Check out the agenda and register!
Heard on the Hill last week
Find out how the Bible Ronald Reagan was sworn in on was delivered to D.C. for Vice President Mike Pence’s inaugural oath. See the video for more, including an update on the saga of the controversial student painting that was removed from the Cannon tunnel.
“Who are all you people?”
— Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., escorting a group of tourists to the Senate gallery.
Happy birthday to…
Sen. Thomas R. Carper, D-Del., turns the big 7-0.
Rep. Lloyd K. Smucker, R-Pa., 53.
What’s going on?
Have any tips, announcements or Hill happenings? Send them to AlexGangitano@cqrollcall.comBridget Bowman contributed to this report.