Staffer Guide: Switching Jobs Tips
What to do in different scenarios

You’re already on Capitol Hill, interns included, and you want to switch to a different job. Depending on the scenario, here are the best things you can do:
A role in your office opens up
Approach the chief of staff, let him or her know you want the job and why you would be the best fit. But, be sure your direct supervisor is aware, as well — circumventing your boss is never a good idea.Before a job opens up, though, you should be laying the groundwork by offering to help people in order to make yourself a natural replacement.
A role in an office in the same chamber and same party opens up
If you know someone in that office, by all means reach out so you’re on their radar and your résumé can be put on the top of the pile. Otherwise, go online and figure out your six degrees of separation with someone in the office. At the same time, apply online so you’re in the system.
You want to switch from the House to the Senate
Some people might think it impossible to move to the Senate from the House, but it’s not an obstacle you can’t overcome. You can start by maintaining a good reputation and having a solid network. You never know who you might need to ask for help in the future.