Democratic House Members Walkout for Day Without a Woman
Gesture to honor protests, honor International Women’s Day
Last week they wore white to watch President Donald Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress and this week they are walked out of the House.
For International Women’s Day and the Day Without A Woman protests around the country, Democratic congresswoman walked out from the House floor to the Capitol steps on Wednesday and were joined by some male colleagues.
The walkout followed noon floor speeches and occurred at 12:30 p.m.
They gathered at the bottom of the steps to speak on issues affecting women worldwide, including violence, women’s health, the economy and policies affecting immigrant and refugee families.
No votes were missed as a result of the activity.
In solidarity for International Women’s Day, lawmakers in both chambers wore red all day, too.
Rep. Lois Frankel, chairwoman of the Democratic Women’s Working Group, and one of the organizers of the walkout also said she would not support commerce other than women- and minority-owned businesses on Wednesday, she said in a news release.