Roll Call photographer Tom Williams wins WHNPA’s Political Photo of the Year
Photo editor Bill Clark picks up two more 2019 White House News Photographer Association awards
Roll Call staff photographer Tom Williams has won the distinguished Political Photo of the Year award in the White House News Photographers Association’s 2019 Eyes of History contest.
The same photo, featuring Vice President Mike Pence in the Capitol, won first prize in the On Capitol Hill category of the visual awards.
“We knew this as soon as we saw it,” the judges said in a statement about their selections. “The photographer caught an incredible face. No one is paying attention to the vice president and it makes such a powerful photo.”
The Eyes of History contest has been recognizing journalism from WHNPA members since 1941. It was created to “celebrate our members’ creativity and competitive spirit.” The winners will receive their awards on June 15 at the contest’s gala in Washington.
“Normally the vice president’s movements in the Capitol are accompanied by higher security, meaning press and staffers have to stop moving and let him pass through the halls,” Williams said about taking this image. “I was talking to his photographer so I think his detail kind of let me go about my business and I felt as though I was in some kind of secure bubble. Thanks to my fellow photographers, judges and the WHNPA for this high honor.”
Williams joined Roll Call in 2000.
Jabin Botsford of the Washington Post was named Photographer of the Year — the other top award given out by the association — after winning first prize in four different categories of the contest, including Domestic News and Insiders Washington.
Bill Clark, Roll Call’s photo editor, also won two awards for his photojournalism.
Clark won an award of excellence in the Pictorial category for the following image.
And he won an award of excellence in the Picture Story: Politics category for the image below.