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‘The River and the Wall,’ a journey down the wall’s path

Political Theater Podcast, Episode 62

Ben Masters, director of "The River and the Wall," right, discusses his movie about the Rio Grande and the immigration and border issues around it with Political Theater Podcast host Jason Dick. (Nathan Ouellette/CQ Roll Call)
Ben Masters, director of "The River and the Wall," right, discusses his movie about the Rio Grande and the immigration and border issues around it with Political Theater Podcast host Jason Dick. (Nathan Ouellette/CQ Roll Call)

When Ben Masters began the 1,200-mile journey along the Rio Grande to film his new documentary “The River and the Wall,” he had no idea the border wall would dominate politics the way it does today. Nor did he think, as he spoke with such locals as Beto O’Rourke and Will Hurd, that their voices would resonate so far beyond the border. Now the movie, making festival rounds and set for a May 3 release, profiles the debate deftly and shows off the unparalleled beauty of the region as Masters and four friends traverse the border on bike, foot, horseback and canoe. It’s funny, resonant, breathtaking and also a good old fashioned road movie. Masters discussed it after the film was the opening night attraction at this year’s Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital on the latest Political Theater podcast. 

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