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Seventh Time a Charm for Bilirakis’ Bill?

For the seventh time in as many Congresses, Rep. Mike Bilirakis (R-Fla.) has introduced a bill that would tie Members’ pay to the passage of all annual appropriations bills before the beginning of the fiscal year.

The bill, introduced last month, states that if Congress has not passed all general spending bills before the beginning of a fiscal year, then the appropriation for Members’ own compensation shall not be made available.

The Congressional Pay for Performance Act would also prohibit the legislative branch appropriations bill from being in order in either the House or the Senate unless all of the other spending measures had been passed in both chambers and sent to the president.

The latter provision would codify into law what is already practiced with regard to Congress’ spending on itself. Per tradition, the legislative branch appropriations bill isn’t brought up until a substantial number of the other spending measures are enrolled.

Bilirakis introduced the measure at the end of April and it was referred to the Appropriations and Rules committees. The bill is exactly the same as those he has proposed since the 102nd Congress.

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