Dissecting Patterns Of Support In the Presidential Race
Read the Gallup Report on the Democrats and the Republicans
**Democrats:** Gallup’s analysis of its last two national polls, conducted in November and December, show Hillary Clinton’s strongest leads for the nomination are among seniors, women, lower- and middle-income as well as lower-educated Democrats, Easterners, and Southerners. Clinton’s advantage over Obama among these groups ranges from 22 to 35 points. Clinton also enjoys solid leads among non-Hispanic whites, blacks, Westerners, and pre-seniors (aged 50 to 64). Barack Obama does best among men, voters under 50, upper-income and upper-educated Democrats, and those living in the Midwest (the region of his home state of Illinois). However, he does no better than tie Clinton among any of these groups.
**Republicans:** Rudy Giuliani does best among moderate/liberal Republicans, those who seldom or never attend church, and younger Republicans. John McCain has a more even distribution of support, although he does at least slightly better among moderate/liberal Republicans. Mike Huckabee does much better among conservative Republicans, high-frequency church attenders, those who are older, and those in the South and Midwest. Mitt Romney’s appeal is higher among conservative Republicans, and is slightly higher among older Republicans and those with college degrees. Fred Thompson’s appeal is higher among conservatives and in the South.