Still Neck-And-Neck In Texas With A Week To Go
Polls in Texas continue to show a tight race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in a state where, earlier this month, she had been enjoying a double-digit lead. One new poll today had them exactly even, and the other with Obama ahead, but almost exactly by the margin of error.
The two are tied at 48 percent each in a Public Policy Polling survey conducted Feb.23-24. The margin of error is 4.7 percent. Democrats listed the top issues in this order: economy and jobs (38 percent), Iraq (25 percent) and health Care (12 percent). Obama and Clinton ran relatively close together among voters who listed the economy and Iraq as top issues, but she far outpaced him among those who cared most about health care. We posted the other poll by SurveyUSA earlier which showed Obama ahead 49 percent to 45 percent with a 3.8 percent margin of error.