Clinton Builds Big Lead in Indiana
If North Carolina is looking like a lock for Barack Obama, it’s May 6 voting partner, Indiana, is the flip side of the coin for Hillary Clinton. SurveyUSA has her leading Obama 55 percent to 39 percent in a survey conducted April 11-13. SurveyUSA says that shows Clinton 3 points up and Obama 4 points down since its last poll two weeks ago. Clinton runs evenly with Obama among voters under 34 and trounces him in all other age groups. Among white voters (86 percent of the sample), she leads 59 percent to 35 percent while Obama is ahead among black voters 72 percent to 23 percent (11 percent of the sample). Forty-eight percent of Indiana Democrats say the economy is the top issue and Clinton has a 17 point lead among them. For the 16 percent who named Iraq, Clinton and Obama are tied.