Morning Business: Calling All Bookworms

The Congressional Book Club on National Security Issues will be holding its inaugural meeting tomorrow. The club, founded by Aaron Wasserman, a legislative correspondent and self-proclaimed history buff, will meet over the course of a year to enhance staffers knowledge on all things security-related.
[IMGCAP(1)]We thought that itd be really nice to start a book club so the military legislative assistants and professional staff members can have a better understanding of what it is that were working on, Wasserman said.
The club will read a book every other month and invite experts to lecture on various topics, with the goal of furthering nonpartisan, strategic education among policy and military professionals.
We can bring together Democrats and Republicans from both the House and Senate and bring them together with military officers who can share the understanding they have of the issue.
The first book the group will be tackling is The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy by Russell Weigley.
Were really excited that were actually getting this going, Wasserman said. I wouldnt have been able to do it without the liaison offices, theyve been outstanding in their support.