Senate to Cast Votes on Monday
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said lawmakers will be in for Saturday and Monday votes but probably not Sunday.
In remarks on the floor Friday evening, Reid told his colleagues to come in for a Saturday morning vote on the continuing resolution.
Reid also listed several things he wants to get done before the Senate recesses for the remainder of the year, including the Defense authorization bill, an Amtrak measure and the Indian nuclear agreement. He did not mention the package of bills Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has blocked that he earlier said would likely come up for a weekend vote.
The only day that is still unclear is Sunday, as Reid promised there would be a vote on Monday.
I hope not to have a Sunday vote, Reid said.
Lawmakers in both chambers are working on a $700 billion economic bailout plan. Staff negotiations are ongoing, but Members are unlikely to attend Friday night’s meeting, which is a drafting session.
Reid said Monday has been designated for whatever work has not been completed, as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has pressured Congress to bring the bailout plan to completion.