Kennedy to Head Back to D.C.
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), who has been recovering from brain cancer, will return to Washington, D.C., this afternoon in anticipation of the Nov. 4 election and the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress.
Kennedy, who underwent surgery for a brain tumor earlier in the year, has largely stayed away from the Senate in recent months. He made a surprise appearance to cast a decisive Medicare vote this summer, and he later made an unexpected trip to Denver to speak at the Democratic National Convention.
Anthony Coley, Kennedys communications director, confirmed Tuesday that Kennedy will make the trek back to D.C. today. The senior Massachusetts Senator will likely work from home while in town but may head to the Capitol for the short fall session that begins Nov. 17.
Depending on the weather, Sen. Kennedy will return to Washington this afternoon but will return to Hyannis Port for Thanksgiving, Coley said.