You Can Scratch Specter From This List Of Campaign Cash Beneficiaries
Just yesterday, back when Arlen Specter was still a Republican, the Federal Election Commission processed paperwork for a new joint fundraising committee to raise money and then distribute it to Specter and 11 other Republican senators running for re-election next year.
Guess those papers will now have to be amended.
The FEC papers for the “2009 Senators’ Classic Committee,” were filled out last Friday by treasurer Keith Davis and reached the FEC on Monday. Other than Specter (whose “Citizens for Arlen Specter” campaign committee is listed on page 10), the other senators whose campaign committees are listed as joint fundraising participants are Robert F. Bennett of Utah, Jim Bunning of Kentucky, Richard M. Burr of North Carolina, Tom Coburn of South Carolina, Michael D. Crapo of Idaho, Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, John Thune of South Dakota and David Vitter of Louisiana,