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Blunt Turns to Familiar Face to Fill Deputy Chief of Staff Opening

Senate hopeful Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) announced Thursday that he has rehired a veteran of his press shop, naming Burson Taylor Snyder as deputy chief of staff in his House office.

“Burson will be a critical part of my efforts to serve Missourians in Washington. Her experience, know-how and work ethic will help me drive common-sense results for Missouri,— Blunt said.

Snyder was Blunt’s communications director from 2001 until leaving in 2007 to serve as spokeswoman for Fred Thompson’s presidential campaign. Prior to her first stint with Blunt, she was press secretary to then-Sen. Thompson (R-Tenn.), from 1999 until 2001, and deputy press secretary to then-Sen. Paul Coverdell (R-Ga.) from 1997 until 1999.

“From health care to energy to out-of-control federal spending, Congressman Blunt is on the leading edge of the issues Missourians care about. I can’t wait to get started working alongside Congressman Blunt again,— Snyder said.

Snyder joins Blunt’s team as the seven-term lawmaker gears up for a run to replace retiring Sen. Kit Bond (R) in 2010.

Blunt has already picked up Bond’s endorsement and has managed to fend off a handful of primary challengers, although he will likely face former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman. The GOP nominee will likely go up against Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan (D) in the general election.

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