Beam Us Up, Madam Speaker
little wackier
a little louder
Youngtown Ohio’s
federal medical center
Sept. 2,
completing his sentence
racketeering, bribery and fraud
presidential candidate
“Welcome Home, Jimbo”
dinner of 1,200 people
a hero to many
embarrassing themselves
second House member expelled since the Civil War
hero’s welcome getting out
felony conviction
loopy and theatrical
“Beam Me Up, Mr. Speaker”
pro-labor, pro-school-prayer ex-county sheriff
burping cows and space toilets
demagogic rhetoric
a higher level
took $160,000 in bribes
Mafia bosses
and win
Traficant’s record
wasn’t perfect
outspent seven-fold
freak show
‘Charlie the Crab’
good fellas
third-highest vote total
2002 conviction
federal prison
received 15% of the vote
750 miles away
continual debate
“there isn’t a finer man
profane rants
“unanimous contempt to undress and revile the House
undetermined percentage
kickbacks of $2500 a month
went to jail
chattering class
beside themselves
legal terms
cannot vote in federal elections
elected federal office
local speculation
free Jim Traficant
“stab people in the crotch
“kick ’em in the crotch
congressional pension
boat again
“worst dressed”
painting landscapes
toiling away
auctioned on eBay
several thousand dollars
yellow barn house
on formica
Elvis Presley songs on the guitar
pay $20
his hairpiece
Welcome home
John Edgell is a former Democratic congressional aide.