Grassley Re-Emphasizes Support for Reform Bill
Despite moving last week to downplay his participation in the Senate Finance Committee’s ongoing bipartisan health care negotiations, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Wednesday released a statement emphasizing his support for a consensus reform bill.“I’ve said all year that something as big and important as health care legislation should have broad-based support. So far, no one has developed that kind of support, either in Congress or at the White House. That doesn’t mean we should quit. It means we should keep working until we can put something together that gets that widespread support,— Grassley said.In a series of town-hall meetings last Wednesday across central Iowa, Grassley described his negotiations with Democrats less as a means to reach a compromise on health care reform than to prevent a partisan, liberal health care reform bill from passing than the Senate.Grassley is the ranking member on Finance, where three Democrats and three Republicans — including Grassley and committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) — are in the process of negotiating a bipartisan health care bill. The gang of six Finance negotiators is scheduled to meet Thursday evening via videoconference.