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Reid Threatens No Columbus Day Recess

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday warned Senators that the chamber may not go into recess next month in order to clear a backlog of legislative work.“We have many times in the past taken that [off] because there’s so much work to do at home, but we can’t do that unless we complete our work here,— said Reid, who added that he met with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to discuss the schedule.The Senate often breaks for a week in early October, with the recess revolving around the Columbus Day holiday. This year Columbus Day will be observed on Monday, Oct. 12. Reid, who often threatens to keep the Senate in session to pressure Members to act, made his statement after voicing frustration at the slow-moving process of the transportation appropriations bill that is being considered. The Majority Leader warned he may have to file a procedural motion to get the bill passed.

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