Connecticut: McMahon Launches First Senate TV Ad
World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon is the first Republican to air TV ads in the 2010 Senate race, which she formally joined last week.
The two 30-second ads, “Middle— and “Perseverance,— will run statewide — including in the New York City media market — for the next week. According to a McMahon aide, the advertisement buy cost “seven figures.—
“Thirty years ago, my husband and I started our business. It wasn’t always easy, but we grew it into a publicly traded company that’s creating jobs here in Connecticut today,— McMahon says in the ad. “It took hard work and perseverance. Washington could use some of that. Instead, they’re running up trillions in debt and spending money they don’t have.—
Sen. Chris Dodd (D) is considered to be the most vulnerable incumbent up for re-election and has attracted a crowd of GOP opponents including McMahon and several other wealthy candidates. Polls have shown former Rep. Rob Simmons (R) ahead of Dodd.
State Senator Lines Up to Challenge Himes
Former state Sen. Robert Russo (R) on Monday announced his bid against freshman Rep. Jim Himes (D).
“We’ve never had a rubber stamp representing us in Congress, but we do now,— Russo said in his announcement. “Jim Himes is marching in lock step with Nancy Pelosi … on the economy, on health care, on taxes and spending.—
A former deputy chief of staff to former Rep. Christopher Shays (R), Russo is one of several Republicans who have announced a bid for the seat.
Himes defeated Shays by 3 points last November, while 60 percent of the district voted for President Barack Obama.