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Marathon Finance Markup on Health Bill Resumes

The markup of the Senate Finance Committee’s $900 billion health care reform package resumed Wednesday morning as Senators prepared to debate and vote on several amendments dealing with how medical services are delivered.

Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), absent during Tuesday’s round of opening statements to attend the funeral of her husband’s 112-year-old grandmother in her home state, delivered remarks this morning and expressed support for Chairman Max Baucus’ (D-Mont.) health care reform proposal.

“The current track that we are on with regard to health care in this country is unsustainable,— Lincoln said.

Among the first votes that could come up on Wednesday is on an amendment offered by Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.). This proposed change to Baucus’ bill would affect Medicare Part D, the insurance to seniors for prescription drugs offered by the Medicare program. The amendment seeks to close the “donut hole,— or a gap in coverage, under Medicare.

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